
Back to the future: Drawing inspiration from the past to create novelty

15.02.2024|2 min reading
Giorgio Morandi's Inspiration

The three ingredients to generate creativity

We are constantly trying to find new sources of inspiration, to imagine and create new things. It allows us to stay at the forefront, to test our creative abilities, and to always provide the best of ourselves to our clients.

An Infinity of Sources of Inspiration

And when we talk about sources of inspiration, we can combine three main elements:

  • The domain
  • The era
  • The place

For example:

  • African architecture from the 60s
  • Italian painting from the 30s
  • American industrial design from the 90s
  • Etc.

By combining these three elements, we’re able to find unlimited sources of inspiration to create our work and build our clients’ brand identities. The last time we conducted this exercise, we found inspiration in Italy, from a particular painter.

Giorgio Morandi, 20th-century Italian painter

Discovering the “Still Life” movement

Morandi is distinguished by a style rooted in the “Still Life” movement. He was mainly influenced by Paul Cézanne, a 19th-century French painter. Indeed, still lifes are the most important part of Giorgio Morandi’s work. Of the 1,400 pictures he painted, two-thirds are still lifes.

In those paintings, objects play an important role, whose mystery and poetry he was able to convey like no other painter of the 20th century. Morandi depicted simple, everyday objects that he collected and staged in small-format compositions.

Still life movement

His still lifes, which vary little in terms of device, depict objects carefully arranged, standing out against a neutral background and resting on a rectangular or oblong table. These objects are easily identifiable from canvas to canvas. They are bottles or jars salvaged from flea markets or given as gifts by friends or found on the street, and painted in different colors for the tonal construction of the whole.

His objects are rendered neutral by color or by the white plaster with which they have been prepared, deprived of transparency and mimetic values.

After studying Morandi’s paintings, and taking inspiration from his style, we created several 3D models. Using Spline, a 3D creation tool, we managed to achieve this transparent and reflective effect.

The advantage of 3D creation

For a brand looking to differentiate itself from the competition or to create a unique user experience, 3D is a formidable weapon. Indeed, most brands are sticking with 2D designs and do not exploit the possibilities that 3D can offer in terms of UX. In a competitive landscape, we can only advise you to consider 3D in order to stand out.

If you need any creative services, we would be happy to discuss with you and to put our skills at your disposal.


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